• India
  • UAE

Case Studies

2,800 MT of Water-Damaged Sugar


2,800 MT of sugar was water damaged due to an inundation at a warehouse. Adjusters pronounced the sugar a total loss - a large amount of sugar had been completely submerged in water for more than 2 weeks. SalvageSettlers:
  • Post-inventory and inspection, suggested a 63% recovery for the sugar (compared to 10% to 15% suggested by the Adjusters)
  • Identified a 400 MT shortfall of sugar
  • Made a market for the sugar, creating competition and optimizing the value of the sugar


During the eAuction, bidding rose to an 87% recovery, much higher than the original 10% to 15% accepted by the Adjusters - and also higher than SalvageSettlers own assessment of 63%.


On being appointed, SalvageSettlers:

  • Immediately visited the site, assessing the damage and taking a complete inventory of the sugar.
  • Promoted the salvage on the website and used viral marketing techniques to locate a buyer.
  • Convinced the Insurer to hold an eAuction.

Client Benefits

SalvageSettlers handled the entire process successfully and delivered further benefits by:

  • Achieving an 87% recovery as a result of market-making and the eAuction process.
  • Identifying a 400 MT (4,000 bags) shortfall in the volume of sugar